If you want to prioritize downloads of your mobile app instead of visits to your mobile site, you should:

If you want to prioritize downloads of your mobile app instead of visits to your mobile site, you should:
  • add a call extension
  • add a sitelink extension
  • run an app install ad
  • include the word “install” in the ad text
The correct answer is:           
  • run an app install ad
Explanation: Mobile app installs campaigns are geared specifically toward getting more people to download your app. AdWords can help customize targeting, keywords, and ads based on your app ID and other information. You can easily gauge your campaign’s performance by tracking installs as conversions.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6309936?

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5. Google Display Advertising Exam 

6. Google Mobile Advertising Exam Answers 

7. Google Mobile Sites Exam Answers 

8. Google Video Advertising Exam Answers 
