Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?

Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?
  • Use the “Countdown” function
  • Note the sale end date in the text
  • Insert the AdWords clock icon in each ad
  • use the “Sale duration” function
The correct answer is:
  • Use the “Countdown” function
Explanation: This is Time-sensitive calls to action. The COUNTDOWN function can say that time’s running out to take advantage of a promotion.
Customizers with a COUNTDOWN function include arguments, or directions, for that function within parentheses (like this). The customizer {=COUNTDOWN(Discounts.CountdownDate,’fr’)}, for example, includes a COUNTDOWN function with 2 arguments.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6072565?hl=en

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